email me. feel awesome.

18 July 2009

I just wanted to say

that I love my life, and everything in it. People are dumb. People do mean things. Sometimes stuff doesn't go how you want it. But life is still awesome, because I'm living it, and I'm with people I love almost all the time, and even when I'm not, God is always with me, and that's so awesome to know. I love all the things in my life because they have helped me to become who I am, and they continue to do so, and they will do so in the future, and whoever I become will depend on what is in my life. I love my family and my friends and my boyfriend and my pets and my God and my house and my food and my clothes and my memories and my everything. I can't believe how blessed I am to live how and where and with whom I live and surround myself, and no matter what life throws at me, I will love my life as much as I do right now.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Okay, so for the pages thing, all they really are linked posts. Just post date them before your actual posts. (like, for mine, I started by blog sometime in May of 08, so I make all of my page posts dated at the beginning on May 08)

Your layout does not have pages built in like mine does, so your options are 1) find a layout that does have them and I can help you from there, or 2) Just add a section of links on your sidebar and post them there.

If you need anymore help, let me know. You can leave a comment on my blog, twitter me @theashes, or email me -