email me. feel awesome.

01 April 2009


I have been sick since Monday and there is no end in sight. This is the worst cold or flu or whatever it is I've ever had. My neck was really sore the first day, pounding headache, then all over crappy grossness, then reallllllly bad fever, then nautious all day/headache, and then more headache today PLUS a huge lack of sleep because it keeps waking me up, as I can't breath through my nose that is uber stuffed. I have been trying to clear my sinuses for so long and so much....I am starting to feel like Felix, and everyone else is Oscar. I'm sorry world. I'm not enjoying this any mroe than you are.
In related news, I took a sip from Kaityln's water bottle and proceeded to wrap my tongue around it a few times so it was nice and smothered with my infected saliva. Transfer of sickness totally intentional. Will let you ghosts know if it works! :D
Feel fat and lazy for number of reasons.
Still unemployed, should probably get on that.


Virginia said...

pfft you're so nuts

Anonymous said...

oh i'm sorry that your life is awful that you have go around insulting others to make yourself feel better. that is just sad.

Callie said...

i know. im outrageous :D

Callie said...

oh that comment was to ginny, btw. i wrote to this linguo person on her blog

Anonymous said...

It'd great if you understand the difference between constructive critism and others that is not so.
And also, please don't go around cristising other people's professionalism when you are not doing so yourself. That's called hypocrisy.
By the way, art especially fashion design should embrace people of all sizes and type.

Callie said...

gee thanks linguo. you really know how to make a point.
1) i am not trying to be professional here, see the blog as evidence
2) i am aware of what art is and isn't supposed to do, i've been doing it my whole life. you are the one who decided to limit your designs to people under 160cm.
3)i was much more professional than you were. i apologised.

Callie said...

like did you not read the post i did on your blog.

full_of_puppy_love said...

yo callie whats with all this hostility with this linguo person???

Callie said...

i don't even want to explain it. it's ridiculous.