email me. feel awesome.

10 June 2010


Why is ant hill sand different from regular sand?
Why do they bother embedding nice things like flowers into toilet paper?
Why are there always pencils when I don't need them and no pencils when I do need them?
Why is underwear so enticing?
Why does tartar sauce taste so damn delicious?
Why do my camera batteries die right when a photo opportunity is presented?
Why does recess only happen in elementary schools and court?
Why do they publish awful books?
Why do they patent dumb ideas?
Why is everything on sale when I'm saving?
Who comes up with all the font types?
Why do I only start thinking hard when I'm trying to fall asleep?
Why do forks have four prongs?
Why don't more people use sporks?
Why won't Batman marry me?
Why is it so hard to draw a straight line?
Why can't there just be silence sometimes?
Why aren't more people happy?
Who decided silent letters were necessary?
Why can't things just make sense?

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