email me. feel awesome.

20 March 2010

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

Well, I have received the One Lovely Blog Award from David. Thanks! I guess this means I have one lovely blog on my hands. I am supposed to "do with it what I will", which I guess means he has chosen to disregard any rules that may have come with it and then proceeded to plant this same disregard in the hearts of this award's recipients.

Well, what I will do with it is kind of what he did with it except not.

The next three people to follow my blog will get this award because if you are showing my blog love, you must have a lovely blog!

Also, the first three people to comment on this post who already follow/don't want to follow (aww) my blog will get this award, because my blog is a lizard and it likes to be fed by comments. This is a way for you to get the award with no strings attached. Woo. Oh, and if you are one of the three who starts to follow my blog and you are one of the first three to comment you, unfortunately, will not get the award twice. Shucks!

That makes a total of six people getting the award from me, but I don't like the number six too much, so I'll go for lucky number seven and give the award to my sister Chloé who I love and recently wrote a really awesome blog that I commented on. Don't worry Chloé, I was going to give you the award anyway, but I had to point out that seven is better than six.

So get crack-a-lackin'!

1 comment:

full_of_puppy_love said...

hahaha thanks baby. i humbly accept the award, but i dont know how blog awards work. do i have to go to a site and get an image or something? or do i just write about this on my blog and pass it on? all of this rule flouting that was started by david (of course its someone named david) has made this award into something altogether different. perhaps we should change the name of it to reflect the changes that we have made by making up the rules how we go along.