email me. feel awesome.

23 March 2010

"Hey You, Stop What You're Doing and Love Me"

Well folks, I hate to bombard you with my boyfriend's extreme level of sappiness, but he sent me this on facebook and I just found it so awesome I couldn't resist sharing it with my ghosts. It's like a love note in blog form. It's the most bloggy thing he's written, so here you are. You can disregard this post if you can do without wonderful mush, as in probably Chloé. The beginning is just so ridiculous. I laughed my head off. Not that it has ever been on entirely anyway.

So, my sugar plum, we meet again on the forefront of Internet facebook email message technology. You see, there has been a shocking turn of events in my epic and noble quest to be vastly superior to everyone else. I was rising the ranks; I was so close to being the alpha male. However, just as things started to seem magnificent, I happened to fall--and I'm not talking about falling down and scraping one of my indestructible knees--I'm talking about falling in love. When this fall happened I didn't know what to do! I didn't even have time to brace myself, it all happened so fast. Only a split second went by when I suddenly lost focus on everything that meant so much to me. It's as if my priorities were rearranged. Everything sort of melted away and there was only one thing left which meant so much to me and it seemed as if my whole life before that was just preparation for a greater task at hand. It seemed as though I should have always had this spectacular person in my life. And now that I have her I'm never going to let her go! I'm going to keep her wrapped up in my strong arms because that's where I know nothing will ever be able to harm her. I'm going to keep her pressed up against my chest so she'll always be warm and cozy. Above all I will always keep her in my mind and in my heart because than I know she will always be with me no matter where I go. No matter where I go I feel as if she's right there beside me, and I could just turn around and see her beautiful face staring at me. I wish it were only that easy to see her, just think she's there, turn around and than poof! Callie appears, but then I guess she'd be stuck by my side because I'm always thinking about her. I can't do anything or go anywhere without thinking about her. It's ridiculous.

How can a person care so much about somebody else that they put themselves second, or that they would go out of their way just to make their loved one smile? I don't know, but that's just the way it is! I love you so much Callie and I will forever, so the sooner you accept that and the sooner you get to loving me the better for the both of us! XOXO ♥

Love the Müsin!

Isn't it sappy?

Ha, ha.

1 comment:

Mugs said...

I love you babe, and I always will!