email me. feel awesome.

14 March 2009

Woo Hoo.

It is shameful how noncommittal I have been lately to my blog. I don't know what my deal is.
News articles of the week:
I have a cold. It's very bad and very gross. My nose is stuffed to the brim and I have to blow it all the time, my throat hurts and today I woke up with so much sleepy dust I could barely open my right eye. It's phlegmy and disgusting, and I wouldn't be surprised if you never came to read this blog again because I told you about it. Plus (and this is the absolute worst part of it), it keeps waking me up in the middle of the night. Well, more like very early in the morning, at around 4-ish. What is that about? I am supposed to be the deepest sleeper, the one who can sleep through a tree landing on our house in a storm when I was six and can sleep through my friend having night terrors at a sleepover. This is so aggravating! One night I woke up with no blankets on, another with no shirt, last night with my head touching my shoulder. It is awful.
Also, I am out of a job. The doctor's office I clean can no longer afford our services, so tomorrow is my last time doing it. I'm glad because I hate that place so much, but, well, you know. I have no job. No money. Stupid economy.
Finally, I am going to be staying with my sister for March Break in Hamilton. I'm looking forward to it. Steve pointed out that he is going to California for March Break, and thus Hamilton cannot compare, so I told him to shush, because I was going to have fun anyway. At least I wouldn't have to sit in a plane for five hours. He then told me to shush. Anyway, while Steve is out burning his redheaded pasty skin, I shall be biking all over Hamilton and being fabulous. We're also going to be seeing Disney on Ice for my sister's work.
Different kinds of fun.
In less...pertinent news, perhaps? I am going to be chilling with Burma and Katelyn today, once I decide to ditch the computer for the shower, and hopefully I shall pass my cold onto one of them so I can be healthy for March Break.
My lips are also really, really chapped, because my stuffed nose keeps my mouth wide open all night. It sucks.

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Well it sounds like you feel healthy as ever haha