This is the definitive Callie-Katelyn photo. It sums up our relationship so completely it's a little bit unsettling, though in a pleasant sort of way.
Stirling gave us a lecture on life today. It lasted a good forty minutes. This was due mostly to the fact that a bundle of people had handed in blank tests and he was not impressed. I finished mine in like 20 minutes. Anyway, it was the greatest math class of all. I had a good time, at least. I was silly enough to assume I would have no free time tonight to study for my culminating chemistry test tomorrow, so I didn't bring anything home, but here I am with free time, wishing I was studying for chemistry. Silly Callie. At any rate, I had a good day. Used a band saw, which was not very exciting, but the pole we were cutting was incredibly greasy so my hands were black with grime. Yum. Considered leaving grime there and then touching a bunch of people, but decided when I wasn't touching people I would look more crazy than was necessary, plus I wouldn't have the grime remover to get rid of it once I had my fun. So I didn't do that.
Also, one guy decided not to put his screwdriver back where it belonged as he called me a hippie, and he then proceeded to call himself a douche bag for not putting his screwdriver away. Then he called me a hippie again so I said at least I'm not a douche bag. Touché by Callie! He agreed. I don't mind being a hippie, though. I like the Earth. Luaks also called me a hippie.
I was going to say something else there, but I don't know what. I know it was going to be sort of the highlight of this post, but it has escaped me. So, hope you ghosts enjoyed this anticlimactic post. I know I did.
I guess.
Oh yeah.
I end today with a colon and bracket, to illustrate a happy face. I know that's not really punctuation, but I want people to know I'm happy today. Fabulous day. Fingers crossed for chemistry tomorrow, will probably study in history and tech. Bed time! Yayyyyy!
i already heard that grime story i think i said thats terrible, but the hippie one oh how exciting
did you get a new camera or something? why are your pictures looking so nice?
its dad's camera that i'm not using. cough.
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