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30 December 2009

Why, Yes, I am a Truly Astonishing Specimen!

It felt a bit like a one night stand when I left Katelyn's house the other night, as she was still sleeping when I left quietly and auspiciously, and I was carrying my moccasins.
I have been rereading Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden, and it is equally as riveting the second time around as the first. I read it for four hours today. Due to my inability to read at a notable speed, I didn't get as far as someone else would have; however, I did get from less than half way done to more than halfway done. I have always highly recommended this book. I heard the film was a disappointment, but I myself never saw it. Perhaps I should, now that I'm familiarizing myself with the characters' stories once again. I also think I'm enjoying it even more now that I'm older, for the last time I read it was a few years ago, when the movie was still new.
In addition to my kind of slow reading pace, which is partially due to my tendency to reread paragraphs for clarification and more vivid imagery, I displayed my lack of prowess at simple mathematics to Mugs today. I've always known I've been poor at simple math, particularly as I learn more advanced math and succeed at it, but I guess this is something most people don't really know about me. It certainly isn't something you would assume about somebody without precedent, and as I am good at math, it isn't assumed I struggle to simply add and subtract. The other day, in fact, I was at work and counted something on my fingers, and Alexandria proclaimed, positively astounded, "Did Callie McIntosh just count something on her fingers?!", as if this was an absolutely preposterous notion. And then I said yes, because I did, and I do.
The example I was getting to was today, less than an hour ago, actually, when I showed Mugs my "Special Drawer" from when I was a child. I had sort of forgotten about it, but I spotted it so I thought I'd show him. It's really just a drawer full of miscellaneous objects that used to have some sort of value to me when I was young, like my Magic Bean and Magic Rock from my grade three teacher, or my stickers, or my tiny box of earrings, or my Pokemon cards which are in Japanese (which is actually kind of cool). We discovered one of those Mad Minute math sheets, which are just sheets full of either adding, subtracting, multiplication or division questions, sometimes a mixture, which I did in school in the primary grades. I don't know why it was in my drawer of once-cherished possessions. It had no answers, and I guess I mentioned that I'm poor at simple math, so he decided to make me do it orally and he would time me to see how far I got in a minute, as per Mad Minute procedure.
Well, it turns out I failed. I got less than half of the sheet finished. It's just really hard for me to make the numbers relate to each other. I even used my fingers on some of them. Maybe it's just because I'm out of practice, maybe I don't rub right with sums and differences, but either way, I felt kind of inadequate.

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