email me. feel awesome.

21 December 2009

Callie's Daily Transformation

Without makeup (pale, lifeless-looking, as well as grouchy)

With makeup (lovely colour in face, big eyelashes, feeling much better)


full_of_puppy_love said...

i have multiple comments 1) you dont comment enough on my blog.... reap what you sow. 2) what is the deal with dad 3) have you seen clintons new music videos

full_of_puppy_love said...

4) i read this hilarious fact that any fortune from a fortune cookie is hilarious if you add "with pants" to the end of it

Callie said...

1) dad's stupid "parental controls" on this piece of shit we call a computer prevent me from even looking at your blog without verifying its contents for a few days, so i can't comment on it any more even if i want to, which i do
2) what do you mean, other than the psycho controlling computer behaviour
3) some
4) true.

full_of_puppy_love said...

i got dad to override the parental control on my blog so now you can see it.