email me. feel awesome.

05 October 2009


Alright. So, I am very well aware that I most unfortunately have not been keeping up on my dear blog at all as of late, and any blogs that I have done have been kind of half-hearted. Actually, they have been most painful and bad indeed. However, Mugs said he looked through all my blogs right from the get-go (or at least the artificial get-go, because I deleted the first few really lame posts), and he said that he liked my old ones better than my more recent ones, and that my most recent ones have been crap, pretty much. I agree. I would be kind of hurt by this, but I will not be, and I instead will feel inspired to turn over a new blogging leaf. By that I mean I will turn the current leaf back over to the side it was on previously, that is, the good side upon which I blog frequently and with quality. I'm not sure exactly when the blog leaf turned over; it sort of happened gradually in a soft breeze I didn't even take the time to acknowledge. Nonetheless, a tornado will sweep over this leaf, and my blog will be back in business. Yes, I will waste some more time on the computer blogging when I could be doing useful things like homework or excersizing or doing chores. Yes, I will feel lazy and put my abnormal thought patterns on a public forum at night. Yes, I will regain my computer-chair posture in the evenings and afterwards stand up to cracking, locked joints and that wonderful mixture of feeling both accomplished at having blogged so well and extremely unproductive for having worked so hard at a blog rather than something else. Yes, I will glue my camera to my hand again and document my days in pictures, and yes, I will restart blogging.


full_of_puppy_love said...

your blog started sucking around the time you got a bf. duh. happens to the best of us.

Callie said...

i like your new picture. and my blog kind of actually started sucking around the time i made my right about now box.

full_of_puppy_love said...

hmm perhaps you were using the right about now box in lieu of blogging? a veritable mini-self created twitter network of one?

Callie said...

yes. exactly. except better.