That dang Katy Perry! She gets me every time. So catchy. So bad.
I just had a big discussion with Marty about Communism. I totally won. He just muscled his way through that argument. Well, you know. Academically muscled, if you understand that. I know what I mean. And that's what matters.
Marty also has a Heart of Lions (HOL), and he decided my heart was of pop tarts. Not equivalent. The story is that he punched me accidentally (so he says) in the heart, which caused me to die, and then Mugs didn't want me dead so he made me a new heart out of pop tarts. Initially I was blaming Mugs for my lack of cool heart substance, but since my feathers have been ruffled about the Communism deal, I blame Marty. He's the one who killed me, after all. Mugs was just trying to help.
Although my heart is sadly of pop tarts (HOP), my legs are wonderfully made of 7000 gazelles. That is wonderful news.
I hung out with Katelyn and Alexandria this fine and wonderful day, and my hair was ridiculously perfect, and the Sun was magically perfect, and the weather was super nice, and it was good times. We took many pictures. We also discovered we get very...excited over this one song, and when it came on, one thing led to another and we ended up grinding on the trampoline. It was also good times, if a little queer of us.
Oh! And we were all wearing blue. It was very nice of us.
haha sounds funny, what was the song that made you do all this crazy stuff
so were you arguing for or against communism
ahahaha your last few blogs were Live, Long, And, Prosper i totally saw that coming
Callie it seems you are mistaken, your legs are made of 70,000 gazeles, not 7,000. :p
i know, i gotta change that
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