email me. feel awesome.

14 May 2009


Mugs was typing the word "whole" but he typed it as "hole", and the word felt very different.
The word hole feels so empty, especially in comparison to whole. Hole is dark and lonesome and empty. Hole is the sound "hole" in its cleanest form; it is raw, uncut, pure, blunt. It's unabashed simplicity leaves my mouth feeling hollow. Using hole at the end of a sentence denies the sentence the ability to finish properly, if at all. It feels ongoing and shadowy. Hole is the colour of an evergreen tree at dusk, so dense yet so vacant looking.
But the word whole feels so much fuller. It's so satisfying to say. Whole. It's satisfying just to type. It brings light and whiteness and fulfillment. Satiation, even. It's like fluffy white icing that has reached such a state that it floats off your hand like foam when you blow on it. It satisfies you superficially but it reaches so much deeper, too. Whole fills you mouth wholly, you might say. It feels like you have just filled your mouth to the brim with something wonderful, and then you start to smile because you feel your cheeks swell like a chipmunk, and everyone laughs as you try to swallow and it leaks from the corners of your mouth and it's wonderful good times.
Which leads me to the anticlimactic handshake.
We all know of the usual handshake, what with the grasp, the pump(s), and the ultimate conclusion of handshake via letting go. You can, however, go for the more complicated handshake, which, without variations or further complexities, is as follows: grasp, pump, switch to "manshake", pump, release, punch (or "give props"). The build-up of this shake is everything before the punch, especially the release before the punch. The release before the punch is the big indicator that the handshake is about to complete and be fabulous, and as such, finishing this handshake with the release is very annoying.
I know of someone who does just this.
Who does he think he is, getting me all set up for a good solid handshake, then leaving me high and dry at the end? Very not cool! He even does a variation finger thrum on the release, and then just puts his hand down. It's like walking into a brick wall.


Virginia said...

it feels holey haha, and i just make up my own handshakes with some jazz hands in the middle

Callie said...

jazz hands?!??!?! seriously! that i s a MAD variation. ginny i have this image of you doign jazz hands and its HILAROUISUS

Virginia said...

well yeah its a handshake it must have mad variations like finger points and what not

Callie said...

lol. i knwo. someitmes they get out of hand. kody and i used to have liek a 6 minute one.

Mugs said...


Callie said...

yeah, that's what i've heard.