I was thinking about my long hair, and how I like the versatility and I like how BAM it is. My hair has power when it's long.
But then I see my short hair, and it's so cute! I love it short. It's so much easier, and it's different.
I don't know what to do! Tell me what you think.
I think right now I'm leaning toward short, but then, yesterday I was kind of leaning toward long, so I dunno.
OK so actually I'm definitely leaning towards short right at this moment, but tell me what you think and give reasons. Reasoning and logic.
We all know what I look like with short hair (see profile if you must), so no pictures of that.
Dancing with Courtland in grade eight. Obviously, I wouldn't grow it as ridiculously long as this. Plus it would look different, because my hair is curlier now.
But I am thinking I will probably keep it short, so this blog is self-defeating.
But give me your opinions anyway, just in case!
medium looks nice
whatever you like better
Callie i told you the reasonings behind it
i like medium because its the best
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