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13 January 2009

Wonderful Snow and Satan People

Oh snow, how I love thee. Sometimes it's like God has speckled the world with icing sugar, sometimes it is like He's sprinkled it with glitter. Then when the sanders come around, it looks like cinnamon. Snow is wonderful, despite the coldness and the wetness and whatnot. I do love it.
I did a flamenco performance at a Greek restaurant at the mountain yesterday, and the performance itself was okay, but the manager was being a total dick to my entourage and I. He was obnoxious and demeaning and outrageously, unbelievably rude. Then he plunked me in a stairwell by myself for half an hour to wait for the guests. I wanted to leave and to yell and to cry. I didn't leave or yell, but I did cry afterwards. He treated me like a nobody. It was awful. I'm never going to go to that restaurant again, if he begged me.

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Thats sad that you cryed