email me. feel awesome.

24 January 2009


The Burma and I went skating again. Twas a blast. Here is our list of people for the evening:
1-overpowering father who lives through his children
2-jumping man
3-tap dancing man
4-ever-present annoying showing-off figure skater
5-German man
6-turtle man
7-parent who couldn`t get his child out from the penalty box
8-mr purdy
9-elvis stojko
10-the teletubbies

For real, Burm and I saw Kenny from Kenny vs Spenny at the arena. I mean, I know he`s only a half-celebrity, but it was still exciting. At first we thought he just looked outstandingly like him, but then we saw that he was him, and said Òh my gosh, it is him!`And that was our big event. It was very cool. He even looked right at us, thought it was probably because we were gawking at him to see if it was, in fact, him.
Either way, very cool.

1 comment:

Virginia said...

i would be looking at you too if you were gawking at me