email me. feel awesome.

11 November 2009


Wouldn't it be glorious if all the leaves were white
If they twinkled like the stars do in the blackness of the night
If they blended into puffy clouds that hang above the Earth
If they were pure as platinum and a thousand times its worth
If there was no bitter darkness, no pain grew in their stems
If they glimmered in the sunrise like semiprecious gems
Wouldn't it be splendid if when the snow fell down
the leaves were the same colour? Not a snowman would be found
With a dark leaf on his body, no he's white as white can be
He's strong and free and happy, as all snowmen should be
If I were a snowman and had leaves that you could see
I'd feel better knowing I had no wrongness or death in me
Oh, wouldn't it be glorious if all the leaves were white
If they kept you feeling happy in the sadness of the night

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