email me. feel awesome.

11 November 2009

it will Come

So apparently playing loner games like solitaire is good for you. The problem-solving, puzzle-ish nature of the game stimulates something in your brain that is used less in this think-for-you society, and it helps memory, both long and short term, which is always good stuff. So all my loserish tendencies have been helping me all this time. Yes. Losers do come out on top. Sometimes.
Anyway, I have some mildly gross news for you ghosts. I have a really ingrown toenail. I used to have fungus on three of my toenails, so they were all really thick and disgusting, so they used to not grow, but now they do grow, and one grows in. Ugh. Plus some of the fungus hasn't completely grown out, so it's a really thick nail that's growing in, so it's even worse. It kills and really sucks. On a bad day, it hurts just to walk. Also my ankle is injured, so that sucks too. Sometimes that also hurts to walk.
Mugs is really sick, and yesterday when he was over I took care of him and felt like some kind of reverse mother wherein my son is older than me. Anyway, it really sucks, because as sickness goes, it tends to suck. Katelyn was missing today due to "sickness", although it is very likely this ailment is a falsehood. I don't know where Alexandria disappeared to, but I saw her this morning and then she vanished.
I've noticed over time that street lights tend to go out when I come near to them. When I stand near a light, it dies. It's a strange phenomenon. It's as if I am a death wish upon electricity. Maybe electricity is trying to tell me something, like that I should die. Or that I will die by electrocution. Wouldn't that be wild way to go? I'd be alright with that, although I imagine it would kind of traumatizing for any observers that might be present.
I end today with a question mark, because I feel kind of unsure.

1 comment:

full_of_puppy_love said...

maybe youre already dead and the streetlights are just reacting to you because you are undead