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05 June 2009

I Feel like Thinking

I was thinking about how people say, "I think I love you" to people, and it made me wonder if that was even possible.
How can you think you love someone? Love is a feeling, not a thought. But then, that brings up the question of whether or not feelings and thoughts are independent of each other. Does one have to feel a thought? Does one have to think a feeling? Does a thought register as a thought regardless of any current feelings, or does a thought come a result of them? It is like density-dependent or independent factors in a ecosystem. How can you feel logic? Logic asks that you ignore your feelings and base your conclusions solely on the wisdom gained from past experiences. But how can you think a feeling? A feeling just is, sometimes without explanation. But then again! What if you understand the reason for a feeling? Logic and reasoning go hand in hand, thus, you would be logically, reasonably justifying an impulsive, infinite feeling. Arr! How can you even define a feeling? Is it possible? The impossibility of it implies the immense difference and independence between and of the two.
Or perhaps this impossibility assures not the conflict of thought and feeling, but the co-dependence. Perhaps it shows the circular nature of the thought-feeling relationship. To think, one must feel, to feel, one must think. Thoughts register feelings and feelings give reason for thought.
It's very perplexing for me. In my equally bothersome and helpful mid-brainedness, I have trouble making decisions between thought and emotion. In every day situations, such as whose house I want to go to, I use logic, simple pros and cons and reasoning. But when it comes to very emotional things, I find myself feeling impulsive and desiring for whatever comes to mind first. But then, did I not just say mind? The mind is the place of logic. Hm. I can't really tell which side I use more. It takes great emotion for me to do certain things, but I also think of emotion logically. And pondering thought vs. feeling exclusively, as in this blog, just makes steam seep out my ears. I think too much about it and I go crazy! There are so many things to say. I can't say whether I think of logic as friends or enemies or even frenemies. There's just too much in me!
Maybe you will know.
Because maybe you are like other normal humanoids and have an obviously dominant side of brain.


full_of_puppy_love said...

callie, i think your problem comes not from being midbrained, but from having that most common of diseases... adolescence

Callie said...

i think its the midbrain, personally. i cant decide anything.