email me. feel awesome.

21 June 2009


I haven't blogged in a very long time indeed.
Well, I'm pretty nervous right about now, and kind of stressed. Not very stressed though. Mostly nervous.
Arr, I'm getting repetitive in my old age.
Anyway, the reasons for this nervousness consist of two exams and a recital. Well, actually, one of the exams isn't so nerve-racking. Tomorrow I have the arithmetic, and that is the one I'm slightly nervous for. It's just formulas and whatnot that I need to memorize though, so I should be ok. I'll crack down tonight and then go early tomorrow for the some last-minute cramming. People say it doesn't help to cram, but I find it does. Then the stuff is really very fresh in your brain.
I'm finished all my other exams. The other exam of which I speak is ballet, on Thursday. I'm as ready as I'll ever be for it, except my pirouettes. I seem to remember freaking out about my pirouettes this time last year too, hm? Yes. Pirouettes are bad news bears. But the rest of it is all good. I'll do fine on it. But I have many rehearsals before then.
What I am most supremely worried about is my singing recital. Oh. My. Goodness. Singing? In front of people? Terrifying! If I'm dancing in front of people, it feels so amazing. It's the greatest. Even if I was in a play or a skit in class or something and I'm a character it's all good. It's just when I'm plain old singing, it's very frightening indeed. Because I'm just myself. And it's just a song. And it's awful.
So, I'll be praying for confidence on Tuesday for sure. Tuesday as in the day of the singing.
I also am totally jobless after having applied at several places I know were hiring. I'm going to apply at everywhere, even if they're not hiring, just in case. I haven't worked since March. I have a total of five dollars.
It is a bad time to be out of work.
It is an even worse time to turn fourteen.
Katelyn's brother is turnign fourteen soon, which is making me feel ancient, as I still think of him as being in grade four, despite the good three inches he has on me now, and the massive eruption of puberty that he and his friends are experiencing. I am in great denial of this. He is not allowed to be tall. He is in grade four.
Anyway, he seems to think that he will be able to get a job magically as soon as he turns fourteen because he'll be fourteen, but he is misguided. Katelyn ad I have told him so. I have experience in work and I'm older, and I can't get a job. He can expect nothing less than an empty wallet.
Then there's stupid Katelyn, hogging all teh jobs! She has three jobs! Ugh! I'm envious of her job-having prowess. All of them without an interview, even. Just POOF! and job is hers. I wish! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she is rolling in job titles. I just wish I had one too.
So, that is my life right now. Math, singing, ballet, joblessness.
On the good side of things, however, I shall be taking Tae Kwon Do in the fall, and hopefully I shall take traditional Tae Kwon Do, so my already fabulous thighs will become the Outrageous Thighs of Justice. I also plan on doing kickboxing with Mugs during the summer, and possibly Jiu Jitsu. Which shall be awesome. I'm finding that martial arts is giving me happiness.
So I guess that is also my life right now. Math, singing, ballet, joblessness, martial arts.
And Mugs, of course.
Over and out.
Ha ha! As if I just said over and out. What is wrong with me. Well, many things. But let's not go into detail. It's a very beautiful day outside, I feel pretty and I'm going to go enjoy the niceties. Have a good life, ghosts. Hopefully we can once again have one-sided conversations more often.


full_of_puppy_love said...

WHEN y=ax^2 + bx + c, x=(-b +/- RT(b^2 + 4ac))/2a
Thats all you need to know about grade ten math.

cal said...

it was a lot easier than i thought it would be, and i needed to knwo more than that. the trigonometry. but it was easy

cal said...

and why did you say when in capitals