email me. feel awesome.

10 February 2009

Yay Making Friends

I was asking Lukas what I should blog about, and he said I should blog about him and how I'm in love with him, so I decided I would blog about him, but not how I'm in love with him, because I'm Not. How can you be in love with someone you don't know?
He asks that I narrate this blog from his perspective, as he's on the phone with me right now, so I will do that, as he dictates to me: our history, short as it may be.

It all started in art class, the first class I remember having with her. I thought she was really pretty when I first surveyed the room. Probably the prettiest girl in the class, I'd say. Throughout the semester, I always wanted to talk to her, but I never did because I thought that she would think I was weird, or that she might be snobby, so I stayed shy and quiet and that was mostly it. The only thing I ever said to her in art happened when she and her friend were talking about Veggie Tales, so I thought I would put my bit in: "Veggie Tales is the shit." Really incredible, wasn't it? Otherwise, we pretty much were silent.
Then came next semester, the current semester. She was in my history class, but sat nowhere near me. She chose to sit with her friend. Pfft.
She was also in my tech class, I noticed, transportation tech to be exact. She was there! I was surprised. She sat behind me, with the other girl in the class. I was talking to Chris, my good and noble comrade, and I pointed her out, and he said yeah, she's awesome (Callie says why the heck would Chris say that, I barely know him). She plays bass. I thought to myself, amazing. I looked back at her, and i imagined her playing bass, and it actually fit. That's when I was interested. I had to talk to her. Now that I knew her name was Callie, I had to get the attendance form from the teacher to figure out her last name so i could add her on facebook and carry out my master plan to talk to her. I would write on her Wall. I almost lost my chance at at the attendance scheme, but I got it in the end. I left the class, opened the attendance, and found that her name was Callie McIntosh, and thought Yes! I got her name. So i added her on facebook. I left her a pretty long message, talking about things like bass guitar.
And then we started talking more and more and more, and I got her msn. We started talking on msn, she was a VERY GOOD TYPER (Callie laughs). Eventually I unintentionally flirted with her, as it is uncontrollable, i asked for her number, because she thought we could hang out, which I thought was abrupt, but it was all good. After I got her number, and the phone all was rudely interrupted by my brother impressing numbers for hours and hours and hours and I had to get off the phone. failed number. So then I called her again, and now I'm talking to her on the phone as she types this. She just typed this sentence.

And thus, I, Callie, have a new friend, Lukas, and thats how it goes.
I suppose.


Virginia said...

i dont really know what to say about this one

Virginia said...

And i still dont know why Chris talks about you im going to have to talk to him about that one because its werid

Anonymous said...

chris obviously likes her.. jeez your dense sometimes ginny. this is the cutest note ever! its just so cute!!!!!!!!

Callie said...

it's cute? hmm. i suppose. what makes you think chirs likes me? i've talked with him for all of three weeks. or less.

Virginia said...

No i dont think Chris likes Callie

full_of_puppy_love said...

why did you delete a comment? btw, im not really buying this whole "he has a gf so we're just friends crap". im on to you. BOTH of you.

Callie said...

i didnt delete a post