email me. feel awesome.

12 February 2009


I did a very silly thing at dance today.
It should just be made known that I am very clutzy, and I crash into things and trip and spontaneously lose my balance frequently. I guess I can't handle my long limbs sometimes. Anyway, what I was getting to with this digression is that I kicked a huge hole in the wall one time at dance, and so now I am known as a wall-hole-making-person.
ANYWAY. I was already late for class, because I had been taking my time in the change room, and I was still in there after the whole class before me had left, except for Sam, who was still in there, also taking her time. Sam is a few years younger than me, and thus smaller, so I scooped her up in my arms and started to swing her around in circles in the very tiny and breakable change room. As if she wasn't freaked out enough as it was, on my second circle, I let go without thinking and she went flying, and screeching, into the wall face first and landed on the floor with a crumbly sound. It was SO FUNNY LOOKING. I mean, I know I must sound like a truly awful person, but it was hilarious. The way I had just randomly grabbed her and then practically threw her into the wall without even realising it, her limbs flailing all around and her eyes boggling. It was so funny. Her face totally smashed right into the wall and shook the whole room and she was laying on her stomach with her head turned and her one arm bent backwards against the wall and the other one all screwy on the floor, and her legs were all wild and she was moaning. It looked like she had fallen from some crazy high building and broken everything. It was so funny. She was fine, by the way. She laughed. So did I. But I was late for class, as aforementioned, so I just left her there all broken into pieces on the floor of the lonely change room, like a criminal leaving the scene of a very ridiculous crime, like trying to suffocate someone with whipped cream or something.
As a side note, Ginny is a violent locker-dealer-wither. She opened her locker so fast the other day, and thrust her wallet in with supreme speed, and the slammed it shut like she was hiding something, or like I might torture her by the same means of ancient civilizations, like the Wheel. I thought it was funny. She thinks it is untrue.
Also, I'm wearing pink, as it is Valentine's Dressing Up Week at dance (I keep wanting to say Halloween), and I have dance spirit for some reason. Pink is very unlike me. I feel like a sheep.


Virginia said...

Ok it definetly wasnt a violent throw i just tossed it in there and thats it. Its not like i was going to keep my locker open forever so i closed it. And your going to wear pink thats unusual.

Callie said...

i AM wearing pink, miss observant. and it was violent. you didn't see the violence.

Virginia said...

i didnt see the violence because there was no violence to see