email me. feel awesome.

14 February 2009


I was just deleting all of my old crappy notes on facebook, what with my fabulous desire to turn over a new facebook leaf, but there are some bits and pieces that were just good enough to keep around here somewhere. so here they are.

Q: What is your current mood?
A: Crappy. I feel like I'm the undertaker and I've just killed someone I knew was innocent.

Q: Who is your favourite celebrity train wreck?
A: Celebrities can go roll in dirt.

Q: What is a theory you believe?
A: The Particle Theory.

Q: What are you looking forward to most?
A: Whenever this uncharacteristic cloud of despair vanishes from over my vulnerable spirit. ^That is called sad Callie.^

Q: Have you ever met a stripper?
A: Only the ones Rachel gets.

Q: Gave money to a stripper?
A: Only Rachel's. I give them special tips.

Q: Who do you hate the most?
A: Harrison, but it's not hate; I don't hate. It's more like passionate, aggressive dislike.

Q: What would you do if a leprechaun stole your wallet?
A: Woah, a leprechaun!

Q: Do you like it?
A: I...guess

Q: Are you kind to others?
A: Deep down I am, but superficially I seem like a sarcastic jerk.

Q: What would be your first reaction to someone pushing you?
A: Probably tripping.

There are many others things I would love to add, but I shall not, for it really is nothing of severe importance in my books.

1 comment:

Virginia said...

i almost did see this one, what a shame