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05 February 2009

I Return

I have felt so uninspired to blog lately it's disappointing, both to me and to Ginny. Sorry, ghosts.
Ack. February was supposed to be my fresh start, one in which I would blog daily. Unfortunately, I missed the first, and it was downhill from there.
So last night, as I lay to the very farthest side of my bed, I thought of the scorpions coming out again, and then I started to think about how I haven't really been blogging mostly because I can't think of anything to blog about, as my thoughts have actually been in the present lately, and not so much elsewhere, as they usually are when I have blogging inspirations. Then I was thinking about how my scorpion blog was such a good one, and how i don't seem to have good ones any more, and I felt inept and sad. I had inept and sad dreams.
Well, maybe not, but I had dreams nonetheless.
Anyway, so I took the dumb old bus today, and as I waited on the cold, cold street with the -32 wind on my ears, I hummed a tune in my head, and eventually I began to worry that I had missed the bus already. What if it had come early? What if I was there at the wrong time? What if it was never going to come? Then I realised that I'm a very worrisome bus taker. Like, I was checking the time every two seconds and getting frantic and looking all around. I even ran to the bus stop just in case it came extra early, and I ended up waiting five extra minutes. Every sound I hear d was the bus coming around the corner, every car that drove by, even if from the wrong direction, was the bus speeding towards my stop, every minute was one spent freaking out about how I had more than likely missed the bus.
I began to wonder how long I should wait before I had to face the facts and walk and be late, or run and be on time but be out of breath and probably sweating, and I kept on checking the time, and I was thinking oh no, oh no, the bus will never get here. I even stopped blinking for a while because I was staring so hard at where the bus should be coming. It was awful. I was stressing out.
It was really unnecessary, though, because the bus came, just as it always does, and I felt immense relief as I saw the stupid monster rumbling down the street. I clutched my loonie and breathed a breath that took with it the weight of my ridiculous frightened situation. I really shouldn't bring myself so much grief over something so dumb, but I do, and that is how I return to blogging.
I can't decide whether blinking or staring is stranger.


Virginia said...

i like my mention in this one it made me laugh but thats not surpriseing news, so by the sounds of it you have a melt down everytime you go on the bus.
thats cleaver

Callie said...

cleaver hahhaa that was a good night ginner. and meltdown? hm. yes.

full_of_puppy_love said...

the collingwood bus is only a dollar? balls.