email me. feel awesome.

27 November 2008

Sorry if I Cussed

OOOk. So I just posted two English sonnets, and there are more to come, but for now I want to tell you about this ridiculous and highly embarrassing scenario I was forced to endure last night. It was torturous. And did I mention embarrassing.
I went to dance, and I hadn't changed into my dance clothes yet, so, yes. I was in civilian clothes. I opened up my bag, expecting to find my dance stuff, but lo and behold, there was none! Arg! I groaned and complained to my dance acquaintance about having forgotten my dance stuff again like an idiot and asked her if she had any extra tights or something that I could wear, and she did not. So I scrounged around in the Lost and Found and eventually had to ask her (acquaintance) if I could wear her pants that she had on, as they were stretchy. She let me wear them after a rather lengthy warning about how they would be too small and I said I know, but give them to me anyway.
I went into the studio, and of course it just happened to be Parent Viewing Week (parents and the like can come watch all the classes and scrutinize us) so my acquaintance's, who I will refer to as NP, mother was there. Her mother is very competitive and is currently hating my guts because I got the lead part in our show and her daughter didn't.
Anyway, so I was standing at the barre in NP's pants and her mom suddenly pounces on me and says "NP doesn't want you wearing those pants." Like, she says this harshly and rudely and abruptly in front of the whole class. And both my teacher and I were thinking whaaaaaaaaaaaat?And then she said it again. Like once wasn't enough. The more humiliation the better, right? So I said, "Oh," and felt my face fill up with redness.
I was mortified.
Just for a little background information, NP and I both had a pair of pants stolen, so as if NP's mom wasn't crazy enough as it was, she is now super-paranoid about NP's pants.
So not only did I have to take off NP's stupid pants that she let me wear, but since I obviously had nothing else, I had to wear a costume. It wasn't even mine. It was this pink sparkly thing that was way too big in the boobs and had me flashing my bra left right and centre. And I didn't have tights, and I have dry skin and I needed to shave. Not cool.
So I did two and half hours of dance class in a stupid costume with her mom sitting there with a scowl on her face all the while, and she left the room for a little bit and NP just so happened to want to get her water bottle out of her bag, which took about ten minutes. No doubt she was being murdered by her nutcase of a parent.
Like, did she think I was going to walk out of the place wearing NP's pants? Why would I do that? Not only were they too small for me, but I had pants stolen from me as well. I am obviously not the thief, as I wouldn't frame myself. And if I just so happened to forget that I was wearing NP's pants and made to leave while wearing them, I'm sure NP would have reminded me. It wouldn't have surprised me at all if her psycho mom searched my bag.
My dance teacher was appalled and after they left, all she could say was what the Hell. In fact, she was going on about it to my mom today, who came to watch me. I was the last to leave, and as I was leaving my teacher said it was good my mom showed up and showed her face, to tell NP's mom to screw off. That pretty much just sums it up.
Screw off, Tracy.
Psycho bitch.


Virginia said...

wow Callie nice story it was very you have time to tell it again. and oh my harsh language what if young people were reading
who is Np?

Anonymous said...

real amture comment, katelyn. hah.

Virginia said...

Yeah geez Katelyn they have to be professional like all of mine are....anyone have any juice?