email me. feel awesome.

23 November 2008


Ah, the art of procrastination. I continue to be a master of it.
So, at this rate, my essay will never be written and it will be my own fault that I fail. I will probably end up doing everything but my essay until around eight tonight, where I'll force myself into the abyss of nothingness that is writing an essay, to return sometime in the very early morning to the real world, where I will look back upon my writing and think goodness, that abyss was ruining my writing skills.
Abyss. Abyss! Abyss is such a strange word, isn't it? It's as if when you look at it there are no vowels, for by the time you reach the end of the word, the double consonants overpower the initial A and it just reminds you of a gibberish sort of thing. Abyss. It even looks a little like you spelled "abs" wrong. The more I look at it, the stranger it seems!
Alas, do not all words have this outrageous little quirk? Do they not all seem to morph into some senseless bundle of incomprehensible symbols when you stare at them and analyze them and simply think too hard about them? I do this all the time. I look too deeply at things we usually take for granted.
Like reading, for instance. How unbelievable is it?I mean, really, a bunch of lines and dots and things take on a special meaning in our brains because it was brainwashed into us at a young age. This group of shapes put in this order with this shape at the end of the sequence equals this subject in the physical world, or maybe that subject, depending on how you interpret it. It's wild! It's just lines and dots. These symbols can bring tears to our eyes and smiles to our lips and embarrassment to our cheeks. It never ceases to amaze me.
Not only does all of this happen, but how does it happen? How is it a lump of tissue in my head can make me understand all sorts of little things on a sheet of paper, and even understand what a sheet of paper is, and make me who I am and make me even type this? How is it I recognize things? How do I do anything, really? The brain is a fascinating thing, and questions are being answered. But we can't ever really truly answer them. Just what is a nerve ending? What is an impulse? What separates us from anyone else? Atoms are made up of mostly empty space. Ours is a world of emptiness. It's crazy to think about. It unfathomable in my eyes. How people can even begin to try tackling the universe is beyond me.
The universe is truly an abyss.
And know what else is strange? How accepting the world is, as unacceptable as it may seem. People claim not to accept certain people into their group or their own little universe and whatnot, they may claim to really hate someone or the things they do, but if they truly cared enough about what they deemed unacceptable, would they not rid themselves of it? Like, say, if you realllly did not like that person's haircut over there, so much that it made you want to look away, would you not go over to them and shave it off? I mean, obviously this is not socially acceptable. Ah, but there is that word again. And there is my acceptance-is-about-self theory again. You would rather be accepted by society by not shaving a random person's hair off than have that person be accepted by you. Deep down though, if you don't accept something, like a hairdo, don't you wish it had just never been created, so that you wouldn't have to reject it? Well, it has been created, so somewhere in your rejection you want to "kill" whatever it is you reject. To make yourself happy you would go get rid of that hairdo, but the world keeps you from doing so, and you don't object.
Human are funny creatures.
Another strange word is loyal. Loyal. Gosh. I don't even have to look at it for very long for it to become strange and unreal, in a way. It must be hard to learn English, what with all us mumblers around.
I end this post with an ellipses, because there will always be some parts of this train of thought that are left out.
And my essay, I suppose, no longer seems so abysmal, but rather like my teacher described it: like being stuck in a wet paper bag. So into the bag I go.


Virginia said...

Good job i will give you two thumbs up
And while you are in this paper bag if there is some juice you should pass it on

Anonymous said...
