email me. feel awesome.

24 June 2010


Alright. So guess who's had a life for the past while? Callie has! And it has prevented her from blogging. Shucks, eh? Well, I won't be doing an actual, thought-out blog today, or at least not right now, because that will take longer than I have time for (my life is still existent-even as I type this). I've got a busy weekend ahead of me, which may possibly include auditioning for another musical (?).Still debating, although I have a monologue and song prepared. We shall see. CJ is, so he will probably persuade me to.

So, real blog soon to come, I hope. In the meantime I am working on lsitening to this endless playlist Sherman gave me and I am currently on song fifty of one hundred. I know it isn't actually endless, but it's very long. I like it.

I thought I'd post this video partially because it has always been a favourite FOTC song of mine, but mostly because I had a dream last night that I was in a sort of blend of some of my other dreams and a party-type setting, and among others, mostly those from the musical, Jemaine Clement was there and we were hanging out and the whole time I was trying to get him to sleep with me. Oh Jemaine is the one with the obnoxious sideburns and is strangely attractive in his unattractivenss, for those who don't know. It was very vivid, as are all of my dreams, but also very strange and hilarious now that I think of it. Ha, ha, ha. Sometimes dreams really do depict your deepest desires.

I mean...

Did I say that?



full_of_puppy_love said...

bahahaha i love this song soooooooo much. i didnt even ask you when you told me about this post which song it was. i like the part where hes like something something, thats why i keep them in the front. hahahahaha.
also, too many dicks on the dance floor is hilarious.
and the friends song is the new trevor and chloé song. when it got to the "friends borrow money, never pay it back" i was like, yes. yes they do.

full_of_puppy_love said...

ps. i would totally tap jemaine. you are not alone.

katelyn said...

HAHAHA!!! oh my gosh that was hilarious!

Joe said...

I would totally tap Jemaine as well.

