email me. feel awesome.

24 June 2009


I had a blog all written out and awesomely set to be blogged, but I can't seem to find it, which is mighty unfortunate. I guess I will have to make you suffer through this unplanned blog of potentially disastrous spontaneity.
Today was very awesome. And it is continuing to be awesome, and will continue to be awesome, and shall be followed up by another awesome day tomorrow. Today I got up at around seven, and I gleefully took my time wandering around the house, walking Clara and preparing some fabulous banana bread for myself. Then I read my Bible and prayed and journalled for about and hour or so, and then I shaved my legs! They are smooth like smoothies. Like a strawberry-almond-frozen yogurt smoothie of delicious. Then I got like a bunch of housework done, as well as walking Clara again, all before noon! It was very wonderful. Then I went to Mugs and we hung out till I went to dance, which was so hot it was dangerous, I'll bet. Stupid tights and their hotness.
So, after that, I was going to chill with Mugs' mom until he was off work, but then I remembered I wanted to go to yoga, so I canceled that micro-plan. Sorry Diana. Anyway, I went to yoga and it was very relaxing and such, and I liked the instructor (whose name happened to be Scott), but right near the end a bunch of crazy alarms started to go off, so our instructor leapt up quite nimbly and scrambled out of the room, so we were all kind of sitting there halfway through a movement with no instructor. We all talked a little bit and eventually the alarms went off and he came back in, panting slightly. And we finished the class with little acknowledgment or comprehension of what had happened, but yoga was good nonetheless. As a side note, Scott had fabulous legs. They were quite muscular and he was unusually flexible for a man, as well as having wonderful feet that pointed ever so nicely, which leads me to believe he has some sort of dance background. Also, the way he moved his hands was rather balletic, so that is further evidence for my case. Elanor is teaching on Monday, so I'm excited to go to that class. She is a wonderful woman.
I shall be going to Mugs once he's off work, and I'm thinking he is probably going to buy me Starbucks, because he is secretly attempting to fatten me up and eat me in the cannibalistic way he does things. Your plan has been foiled, Mugs. Foiled!
Tomorrow will be awesome because I'm helping out with Katelyn's brother's birthday party. Yay! I love helping out at his parties. And by helping out I mean hanging up a few streamers and then sitting on Katelyn's pool deck to "supervise" the swimming, also known as tanning on the pool deck, as well as getting sweet deals on the ice cream cake.
My ballet exam is also tomorrow, so that shall be most wondrous.
Still job hunting, still wishing jobs just magically came, because job hunting sucks very, very much.
Possibly Pepi's?

1 comment:

full_of_puppy_love said...

dont work at pepis. they once fed me pepperoni and they made fun of my friend megan's kooky/uber metal/extremely cool clothing