email me. feel awesome.

07 February 2009


Know what's an awful feeling? When you're trying to think of asong and a bunch of songs are just blending together in you head and you can't think of the song you want because every time you get to the place when you should be reaching a conclusion, another song slides into your thoughts and there you are, thinking a different song, and eventually you stop and think, oh, what was that song again? And it all just happens over and over and over again and nothing goes any where and you feel blah because it's Saturday and Saturdays are always blah and everything is sucky and your feet are wet and your hair is bad and your mind is full and your being is empty and your sentences don't finish and your songs don't end!
Plus this stupid lamp is still here?!?! What is going ON?!?! I want to pick up it's stupid green glass thing and smash it on the ground and let someone else clean it up. Plus Stephanie is back, trying once again to guilt me into a friendship that is obviously not happening! GO AWAY! GET A LIFE!
How the heck does that song GO!

Why does the universe hate me so?


Virginia said...

Well this sounds like a very crazy day

Callie said...

it's not even five o clock yet.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a rough time....

Mugs said...

EPIC to the MAX!