email me. feel awesome.

20 January 2009


Oh, Obama. I can't even begin to express how awesome it feels to know you are the President, honestly and truly, and it is so awesome to know that I am alive and well to experience this huge whopping chunk of history. Whenever I think young people in history I think fifties, with the poodle skirts and dancing and milkshakes. Now I'm a young person in the future's history. What will they think of me? Will they think 2009 when they think young people in history? It's wil.d Obama is my hero today. I only wish I had been able to watch it happen live. I did watch it about two hours ago, and I was captivated by him. Obama goes.
It made me think back to when he was first made President Elect, not that is was ages ago or anything, but I remember I was sitting right here at the computer and watching it happen on the TV. The whole show stopped (I was watching Jon Stewart), and Jon looked up and said, "As of now, 11:00pm Eastern time," and the whole crowd gasped, "The President Elect of the United States of America is...Barack Obama." Cheers. Yells. Crying people. It was incredible. I was so happy, I was literally bouncing in my seat. The whole world is changing.
Good work, Americans, you did it right this time around.
As for Canada's political crisis...


Virginia said...

I remeber when he was elect or whatever because you were telling me about it and i had no idea what you were talking about.

Callie said...

you disgrace me.

Anonymous said...

oh yes he is!

Virginia said...

That is just mean Callie