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12 November 2008

Harness the Goodness that must Surely Exist

Whyy doo peoplee usee doubllee letterss likee thiis all the ttimee? It looks ridiculous. It's one of those stupid trends that I hate and shall ever succumb to. I don't succumb to most trends, actually, but especially not that one!
And computer trends are the worst! Really, being trendy shouldn't matter anyway, but being trendy online is pushing it. It doesn't matter if your msn name "fits in" with the other msn names. Uh-oh, the trendy msn names won't accept me! Whatever shall I do? Grow up and find something to occupy your time with. Goodness. If you're accepted by the people you wish to be accepted by, than an msn name shouldn't change that. If it does, find new people who aren't do you say...ludicrously demanding, perhaps? Ridiculously over-the-top? Annoyingly preoccupied with self?
For that's what it's really all about, isn't it? Trends, fitting in, all that jazz--it's about yourself. Such people do not wish to fit in for the sake of their "friends", nor for the sake of anyone else for that matter. They simply wish to fit in because if they don't, they fear that they will be alone or a loser or an outcast or something of the like. All they care for is their own "happiness" and desires. They can guarantee "companionship" if they dress a certain way or watch certain things or bully certain people or even type their display name a certain, "cool" way.
Little do they know that genuine people who could care less about that crap are right around the corner, awaiting your revelation.
I fall under the category of not giving a crap. I make a point to be different than everyone else, in fact. I'm not one of those annoying, equally-as-self-centred-as-the-trendy-folk "alternative" dressers who is actually the same as every other "alternative" dresser (chucks, metal accessories, studded clothes/belts, dyed black hair, lots of make up, etc). Those people are also trendy in their own way. I just wear what I like, and act how I am. I don't act differently around different people or sacrifice my morals for the sake of acceptance. Acceptance is hardly worth changing yourself for, as it is all fleeting.
Chasing after the wind.
The whole world is fleeting. All the world cares for is superficial, material things--attractiveness, wealth, success--but it's all meaningless in the long run. What happened to being a moral person? What happened to religion? Where have all the real people gone? Sincerity has seemingly vanished. Those who remain sincere are few and far between, and seldom find each other.
In the end, what everyone wants is acceptance, if not by the trend-following sheep, than by your work, your family, your neighbourhood--the world. But that's all the world really is, isn't it? Just a world. And i don't like to cuss, but it is a world full of shit. It is, you know it is. If you don't you really are eating it up (which relates to a cartoon that will soon be on my other blog, but i digress). Ignorance can be bliss, but what good has bliss done for you, other than keep you from knowing how things really are? Acceptance, as I've said, is about self. So if it's all about acceptance, it's all about self then, isn't it? Everyone cares about themselves, it is a fact. I do too. But when you are all you care about, when you are your own obsession, as is the case for so many of us, something has indeed taken a turn for the worse.
That is not to say I have no hopes for the world. I hope that one day, we will all learn to find salvation in God, and he will be able to truly demonstrate his might and ability to bring people together in love and peacefulness. One day His day will come, and I eagerly await Him. I know that there is goodness in this world. We just need to find it.

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